IBC Awareness Day bill advances

Posted on 21. Aug, 2022 by in News

BOSTON (August 12, 2022) — A bill to establish a permanent Inflammatory Breast Cancer Awareness Day took a major step forward with a unanimous vote of approval from the Massachusetts House of Representatives.

The bill, H. 3147, would designate a permanent day in October to recognize and promote education about inflammatory breast cancer. Rep. Sean Garballey (Arlington) has been leading the effort to advance the bill through the House. Rep. Garballey, who is also a member of the board of IBC-New England Region Inc., is working to get the bill reviewed by the Senate.

The effort was initiated by IBC-New England Region Inc. several years ago. A number of board members, providers, and women with IBC and their families have joined the effort to support the bill. The designation would not involve any cost to the state.

This designation will support and strengthen the efforts of patients, caregivers, and health care providers to educate and build awareness about this rare and aggressive form of breast cancer. Establishing a unique day to recognize IBC creates an opportunity for providers, cancer centers, and patient organizations to hold educational events for the public, women diagnosed with IBC and their families. These activities may include presenting and distributing information about IBC, services, and resources. Some groups may want to host expert speakers.

IBC is an aggressive form of breast cancer. Its symptoms are atypical and there is not generally a lump present. The cancer is virtually undetectable with standard mammography. The disease is the least understood type of breast cancer.

For more information on the IBC Awareness Day, contact Sue at 781-447-0848.

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